What are prohibited businesses?

The following categories of businesses and activities are restricted from using the Valyuz services:

  • Any criminal or illegal activities;
  • Adult, pornography, and related industries;
  • Affiliate marketing registered in non-EU Target Territories
  • Ammunition, guns, arms, offensive weapons, poisons, dangerous substances (as defined by applicable laws), firearms, etc.;
  • Auctions organization and performance;
  • Audit;
  • Binary options;
  • Circumvention devices;
  • Counterfeit/Pirated goods;
  • Cryptocurrency related activities, including trading, mining, ICO, STO, except providing services to cryptocurrency-related businesses;
  • Cultural objects like sculptures, statues, antiques, collector’s items, archeological pieces;
  • Debt restructuring, credit repair, debt settlement, providing credit, debt collections;
  • Embassies, diplomatic missions, and consulates;
  • Financial pyramid similar to Ponzi scheme, matrix programs, other schemes;
  • Home-made alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and tobacco;
  • Legal services, advocate practice, notary activity;
  • Licensed Forex (FX/CFD) services registered and licensed in Non-EU Target Territories;
  • Long term investment type insurance activities;
  • Multi-level marketing programs;
  • Non-licensed Online Casino/Online Poker/Online Gambling/Online Betting/Prize Draws/Gift Cards/Any form of Lottery/Scratch cards;
  • Operating a business that requires a license or special permit without holding such license;
  • Prescription drugs, devices, certified pharmacies;
  • Production or trade in radioactive materials;
  • Sale of petroleum products, including solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels and related products;
  • Sale of traveler checks or money orders, currency exchanges, other cash-intensive businesses;
  • Selling, hosting, distributing, producing, or promoting offensive materials, including materials that incite racial hatred or promote discrimination based on gender, race, religion, national origin, physical ability, sexual orientation, or age;
  • Steroids and other products that pose danger to health;
  • Stolen goods including digital and virtual goods, counterfeit goods and violation of intellectual property, items that violate someone’s privacy;
  • Telemarketing companies;
  • Trade with precious metals, gemstones, jewelry, and artworks;
  • Trading of Animal Fur, Bones and Ivory;
  • Transactions with items subject to export restrictions or special declaration of clearance;
  • Transactions with live animals (exceptions possible like payments for horse riding or dog classes);
  • Unregulated Forex (FX/CFD) services or any other unregulated financial activity;
  • Used automobile dealers and sellers of used car parts;
  • Wholesale of alcohol and tobacco products;

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